Oct 30, 2010


Ask me anything http://formspring.me/mandaong

I hate YOu Tonsils

I went to the clinic before and the doc says that my tonsils are easy to swollen and because of that i am not advise to eat too heaty things.
But heaty foods are mostly my fav food how can i live without eating them ? i eat them almost everyday ..
Now my throat is starting to pain again and i guess my tonsils are doing it again
Poor Thing Me never mind few days without my fav food wont make me die because i'm strong XD
Hopefully my voice wont lost ...

Because of you,tonsils my throat hurts, whenever i eat something a bit more heaty u will swolen and cause me to suffer pain in the throat T^T .

Oct 28, 2010

Check it out!

WHOA!! i was glazing through some website and i found this website aestheticsofjoy.com and there were lots of pictures that was very amusing, like these:
 can u count how many ppl were stuck in there 1,2,3...
argh there's too much
the new generation of spiderman
can u see the people in there??

Oct 23, 2010

Movies !!

I saw the trailer like in summer but i forgot which movie i was watching and last friday i just found out that the movie trailer i was watching is the trailer for 'Life as We Know it' 
The trailer for it was very funny , but the real thing isn't what i expected it's kinda too long for such a movie but i do really love the baby in the movie, she's just sooo qute 

movie ratings: 3 stars

Oct 22, 2010

Finals are over

School finals are over !! woohoo!!
i'm nw free from exams (this year)...
i went to kepong to eat at 美子火锅 with Bei Li & Lynn Lim and it was delicious and cheap ^^
after that we went to play at the arcade in kepong jusco, jst b4 going in the arcade we were so bored that we went to measure our weight n height and the results were OMG ......

Bcos my mum came to fetch me early so the hangout ended quite early.
but my mum ltr took me to tropicana mall to buy a dress for 3/11 event at hostel 
we powent to kitschen and then to nichii to find some dresses
i tried on a lot of them but i just couldnt decide on whether which 1 should i buy soo i just bought two skirts and we went to eat
but when we pass the cinema my mum ask my sis n I whether we wanted to see a movie of course i said yes and we went to watch 'You Again'

You again starring Kristen Bell, Sigourney weaver, Jamie Lee Curtis, Odette Yustman & Betty White