May 1, 2011


There's a lot of ppl birthday's this week and i got a hole in my pocket ~

27th April Yun Yi Looi's 18th birthday-->
On her bday we clebrated it at hostel by buying J.Co doughnuts (although is not that exp but is full with our love) so i hope she isn't that sad cause another roomates bday 3 days later than hers was much bigger than hers cause it was a holiday and we went out.
*nt much pics cause didnt bring dslr to school

28th April my sis Dayna's 10th BDAY~
After clebrating Yun's birthday till late night the next day i went home to celebrate my sis bday. We went to Chilis to eat. We also bought a cake of her choice Mango Mousse .The cake was horrible yucks but as long as she likes it i dont care...

 mango mousse cake yucks xx

30th april OSM Ong's 19th birthday!!!
9 of us (me, agnes ang, yun, vivian lei, lynn lim, xie ying, xie hui, yee wen & the birthday gal) went to midvalley!! The nine of us made The Gardens looked like a market hahax imagine how noisy were us hahax !! We waited very long cause the Bday gal came LATE!! (luckily it was her bday or else she would have kena marah) While waiting we went to have breakfast at 老油鬼鬼 & drank Chatime's bubble tea... When the birthday gal finally came we went to 鼎泰豐 to eat 小笼包 hahax!! we were there for a very long time, i'm not kidding i think that the waitress refilled my tea almost 20 times!! we were there chatting and taking lots of pictures! After eating there we went to Baskin Robins to buy a ice-cream cake for OSM. The ice-cream cake was too much for us but yun didnt gave up and finished it! After that most went home cause they got things to do etc. osm's family was waiting for her to go to their house at Bukit Tinggi , agnes needs to have dinner with her grandparents who came all the way from penang & Xie hui got class at 6... yun,lynn lim, vivian & me didnt go home that early so we went shopping yun & me even bought some clothes... after they all left leaving me with my parents, after my mom finish buying groceries and after i buy Mc.donald we went home ....
At 老油鬼鬼
having breakfast ~

At 鼎泰豐
At Baskin Robins

1st of May (labour day) My papa's birthday....
Still dunno what are we going to eat for his birthday but weird is that he bought movie tickets to watch Thor today ! Do he really just wanna spent his birthday at the theaters?? I think he just dont feel like celebrating much cause that would mean he is getting older hahax XD

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