Apr 9, 2011

Dyou Real Girl Photoshoot

This is my very 1st magazine photoshoot!! And it was an awesome new experience! (just like the time when i was 12 at astro filiming one of the ep of“智力我最棒” and that time at myscene barbie fahsion contest when i was 7/8 but this was even more exciting !!)*even though all of them was so scary...it was actually quite fun hahax*

Actually during the whole shoot I was so nervous that i cant even pose!! i was indeed very "kancheong" just like sabrina said... this is my 1st time doing it deffinitely im nervous hahax... & some more i was the 1st girl who did makeup and photoshoot ...other than that i was very nervous that i couldnt write and when they gave me the interview paper i was like oh no what am i going to do? but i somehw manage to squeeze out some stupid answers and worst of all my handwriting was horrible!!

The clothes they prepared was nice bt because of my 'bra' I chngd 3 times hahax... troublesome me ^O^

Too sad that i didnt bring my cam down T^T & thr was smth wrong with my dad's phone so i dun have much pics to remember my 1st time bt sabrina did take some pics and i hope she post it up....

At the end I wanna thanks Dyou for giving me this opportunity & TQ sabrina , michelle the makeup artist and the photographer who spent so much time on every one of us 5 Real Girl THANKS!!

here's a pic of my makeup ! *you guys really got to see it cause i hardly wear makeup--->

If you wanna see what i wore during the shoot then go buy Dyou May's issue!!HAHAX

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