Feb 15, 2011

Not soo happy birthday

Yestersday Valentines eve my dad brought our whole family to eat cause he says that valentines will be double the usual price... this time he didnt bring me to a restaurant in a complex but a restaurant outside it's name was Castell.
When i checked it online it's food seems quite nice and the ratings were quite high too... but when we reached there they say they only have the Valentines menu at first my dad wanted to leave bt he said that he couldnt find any other where else to eat soo.. we ordered and when the food came we were kinda dissapointed....

let's start with my meal RM128++ Prawns cocktail + mushroom soup + Grilled sirloin steak + mini Creme Brule + a glass of juice , it's considered very exp with just like this and when they served it MAN the portion was small and the taste... not so good .... (dissapointment)
my mum & dad each RM98++ Prawns cocktail / Oyster + soup + mixed grill(no beef) / spring chicken + apple crumble + a glass of juice ,this one was a lil cheaper but the portion was smaller and taste wasnt that good too...
 grilled sirloin steak
 grilled spring chicken
 mixed grill

mini creme brule
 apple crumble

my two sis order the same (kids meal) 28++ fish n chips + a scoop of ice-cream + a glass of juice  , this one was sort of reasonable cause my sis says it tasted great ...

Now. today 14th Feb 2011 ... a bit sad cause nt much present was received.. hahax but presents arent important what's important is that they remembered my birthday ^O^ today my parents say they wanna have some romantic time alone and they dump us three at home + my maid and ordered pizzas for us.. i am kinda sad cause i feel so alone eating pizzas haiz.. but they say they havent celebrated valentines together for a lng time now bcos of me (im kinda angry of that sentence because u cnt blame me because i was born on this date and when u're blaming me u're blaming urselves because you are the ones who gave birth to me!! )bt nvm i'm gonna let them go have their time cause they promised me smth for my next bday ~my sweet sixteen... and i aint telling you what it is ^^

my bday cake
my dad gave me this^^

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