Feb 12, 2011

Roti too much !!

My dad bought tickets to Green Hornet today cause the 2D version just came out nt long ago and my mum doesnt like 3D that much soo we watch it this late... the movie aint that nice... and it was damn long arg~ 

i didnt want to put this pic up actually i just wanted to put the green bee but i do like Jay Chou .. SONGS soo i decided to put this 

ok soo after the movie my lil sis Nicole said she wanted to eat smth soo... my dad brought us to Original Penang Orang Kayu (if i didnt spelled the name wrong it should be like this) 
ok.. soo we sat on the 2nd floor where the air-con is much better and there was a match on it was Manchester United vs Manchester City soo the restaurant is a little bit crowded...u know football fans always like watching football matches at a mamak store, i really dont understand why they like it but suits them...
okay so we place our order 1tosai, 1 roti pisang, 1 roti telur, 1 roti canai & 1 roti tisu (i've never try roti tisu before soo i ordered it )
everything came quite fast and when the roti tisu came we were like WHOA.. do u know how long it is?? it's abod this long erm.... three plates .... 
it took us quite long to finish it.... but it's ok since the match wasnt finish yet and i really like to see who wins....
at the end Manchester United won thanks to Rooney wonderful bicycle kick whoa that kick was awesome!
after the 4 minutes added time was up me and my family went back home... 

now my head is a little bit dizzy dont know why maybe it because of the teh tarik or mayb eating that much this late is too heaty too me arg~ i nidda go take a relaxing bath now

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