Jun 24, 2011

Mr. Poppers Penguins

Just now about 11 am i was still dreaming , suddenly my phone rang and when i answered i was shocked because the caller spoke malay (i dont have much malay frens) and they he told me to come down to the lobby to get a parcel. At that moment i really thought i was still dreaming but nt soo i quickly brush my teeth and ran down... when i got there he handed me a very big parcel and asked me to sign for it. I read the sender's information then i found out it's from MTV Asia (singapore) , i was like 'WHAT?' why did they send me this?? then when i opened it there was lots of Mr Poppers Penguin stuff in it then i remembered i did join some contest....
There was 6 Complimentary tickets , a bagpack, a towel or penguin suit i duno i havent open it, a set of stationery, and a sticker! I was kinda Happy cause i never won anything from MTV Asia before and i never signed or received a Parcel before hahax ^O^
See im nt kidding it's really from MTV Asia
All The stuffs are just so adorable
My sis fits just well in that hahax... im giving her most of the stuff cause i dont use it and she likes it^^

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