Jun 7, 2011

Taiwan ~ Day 2

We woke up a bit late about 9am cause we are going to Taipei 101 which stores only open at 11+, we were at 101 but most family didnt went up to top which costs 400元 per person, because it's moning and the view isnt that nice compared to the night view.We then walked around the mall taking pictures until it was time to meet up with the others.
 Taipei 101
After everyone met up we went to See-join Hand Puppet Theater to enjoy lunch while watching a taiwan traditional hand puppet show. The food was okay and the show was funny. We even got the chance to learn some moves using the lightest and most traditional hand puppet. 
After eating we went to 九份 Jiu Fen Old Street. there's a lot of stuff inside and it's kinda interesting the snacks there are also very yummy!
A very tasty beef noodle!!
Prawns ball there was two of it but i was too hungry so i ate 1 b4 i took the pic hahax.
i bought this candy but b4 i got to eat it , it was shattered T^T

 After shopping at Jiu Fen we then head to our hotel which had a private hot spring in each room, we also had coupons to the hotel's hot spring but because it needed us to be naked soo most of us didnt went , we just gathered together after dinner at the hotel ,and walked to a open hot-spring where we can soak our legs. That hot-spring was kinda high temperature about 50 degrees so my legs didnt spent much time in it. After that we went separately  my dad bought a 葱油饼 to eat and then we went to 85°C a cake shop , because we were kinda full we only bought a slice of cake to try. We then went to a nearby watsons to by some facial masks because it was very cheap!! When we reached our rooms we open the table which was kinda heavy and then we started eating what we bought. Ah! forgot to tell you guys that our rooms was Japanese styled so we slept on Tatami and it was an awesome exp.
Our hotel room nice right?
nicole in adult size yukata 

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