Jun 6, 2011

Taiwan ~ Day 1

Woke up quite early about 5 in the morning because we need to rush to the airport. There we met our tour head and checked in our luggage . The flight was pretty long approx. 4hrs ... We had our lunch on the plane where they served us nasi lemak  / omelet with sausage (this was disgusting *yucks* luckily Dayna was the only one who took the omelet).Oh! and wanna tell you guys that i was on the same plane with 袁惟仁
We reached Taipei at 2+ in the afternoon and then we waited for our tour bus and the taiwanese tour guide brought us to Shi Lin Nightmarket. When we reached there the 1st thing i did was buying food !! At that moment i was SUPER hungry so i tried 1 of taiwan's famous snacks 大肠包小肠 the taste was okay but it was kinda oily. Other than that my dad also bought a super large corndog to munch on. 
super large corndog
We bought lots of food like the famous 豪大大鸡排 which we queued for almost half an hour, fried oyster omelet and 花枝庚. 
This is really big !!

fried oyster omelet 
After eating we went to a nearby 7-eleven store to buy drinks. in Taiwan it's very easy to find a 7-eleven and their 7-eleven have much more varieties than malaysia's .
Nicole with 7-eleven statue
see how many types of drinks are there and this is just a small part of it.

We also went to a very very big fruit store which was recommended by our taiwanese tour guide, that fruit store was a total rip-off we bought 2 water apples and a 释迦(a kind of fruit) and guess how much it costed?? 300+ 元 which was about RM32++ , 3 fruits for this price is very exp and worst the 释迦 they sold us was rotten we only noticed that when we were on the bus heading to our hotel. WTH so peeps if your going Taiwan keep in mind to stay away from this fruit store.
NEVER go to this fruit store !!! If you wanna eat fruits buy from the street stalls it's cheaper, and not rotten!!

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