Jun 7, 2011

Taiwan ~ Day 3

After enjoying last night's hot-spring today we went to Leo-Foo Village ( a theme park). It was very big but i didnt quite enjoy cause i dont like their rides and on the same day (i think after we were gone) a kid drown (real!! cause i was saw this news on TV twice).What a tragedy me and dayna intended to ride that ride but luckily we didnt or else yikes!! 

After spending some time at the Leo-Foo Village 六福村 we headed to Flying-cow Ranch 飞牛牧场! I really like this not only because their milk is tasty it's because the environment was so nice and we got lots of activities!! When we reached they gave us milk which was YUMMY!! And after resting for half an hour the workers there brought us around the ranch where we got to milk cows feed goats. At night we had 牛奶火锅 and after that they had an activity for us where we were separated in groups of 10 and we got to make DIY red bean tart. The ingredients were provided but each of us got to make our own design although it came out weird but it was tasty.
YUMMY milk!!
Dyana Milking

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