Jun 7, 2011

Taiwan ~ Day 4

 On this day we went to 日月潭 a very nice place. We also had a boat ride to a island where there's a temple which i forgotten the name .

After that we went to some stores where the tour guide recommends us to buy stuffs (so that he get commission) . After making us buy stuffs we went to 景圣楼 ( the famous building which didnt tumble after the 921 earthquake weird!) to had lunch and it was yucky!!
Group photo wearing 原住民clothes

After lunch we went to 文武庙 which was opposite  景圣楼 . Later our tour guide brought us to another shop where he could get commission at there the they owner talk to much and i almost fell asleep.(embarrassing)

After an hour ride we reached 逢甲夜市 my Fav place in this trip. There's really a lot of stuff not just food but a lot of clothes , bags and shoes! But out stupid tour guide only gave us 2 & a 1/2hrs that's totally not enough time but no choice he's the one who call the shots so we left very early at only 7+pm... The time was so little that we didn't even have time for dinner cause we were busy shopping T^T ,but at least we found a steamboat restaurant near our hotel and the waitress was so friendly!!

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